Ich habe Phil Collins Agent John Giddings getroffen
Leute ich packs noch immer nicht! Ich durfte beim Presse Rundgang dabei sein und John Giddings Music Agent und Producent von Phil Collins hat sich extra für mich und ein kleines Interview Zeit genommen!
ISI: Thank you so much for your time John, my name is Iris I´m a rock-star photographer and you toured with so many bands together, that´s amazing!
JOHN: That´s because I´m old! *laughed*
ISI: But you have some history and the most important thing are memories, so I want to ask you. What is your favorite memories about the last years of tour?
JOHN: I got lots of memories. When I was in school, I went with the bus to a city called Welwyn Garden City and I saw a group in the back of a pub. And over the door it said they called Led Zeppelin. It was really weird because in those days we were sitting on the floor and the stage was about two foot high and the group had to walk through us to get on stage. Jimmy Page dropped his bottleneck and I used to wear wide jeans when I was a hippy and the bottleneck went down my jeans. He said can I have my bottleneck back? The next day in school I was the hero because Jimmy Page spoke to me!
ISI: That´s great! I´m such a big David Bowie Fan, what´s your favorite story about him?
JOHN: I love David Bowie, there were so many memories. He was so funny, when he did tin machine and the sound was so loud. I looked to the audience outside and there were this ladies in the front row. And I turned to David and I said you should turn down. He said you were the only promoter who asked me to turn down before I´ve been on stage. He was a good guy we miss him greatly!
ISI: For the Phil Collins concert tomorrow, what can we expect of the show?
JOHN: All of the hits, you will hear all of the hits! In the air tonight, it will be a fantastic show, he got a couple of new songs in the show!
ISI: Thank you John! Thank you so much for your time!
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Alles wissenswerte über das Konzert findest du hier:
17:00 Uhr Einlass
19:00 Uhr Mike + The Mechanics
20:45 Phil Collins
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Habt einen wundervollen Abend! Es wird der Wahnsinn!!!
Das Wetter wird auch geil ^^
— In Kooperation mit BARRACUDA MUSIC —